API | Description |
GET api/Property |
Gets all the properties of the current user. |
GET api/Property/{id} |
Gets a specific property. |
POST api/Property |
Post a property to created it in the system. |
PUT api/Property |
Puts the property to save the changes. |
DELETE api/Property/{id} |
Send a delete request for the given property. |
GET api/Property/Get |
Gets all the properties of the current user. |
GET api/Property/Get?id={id} |
Gets a specific property. |
POST api/Property/Post |
Post a property to created it in the system. |
PUT api/Property/Put |
Puts the property to save the changes. |
DELETE api/Property/Delete?id={id} |
Send a delete request for the given property. |
API | Description |
GET api/Incomes |
Gets all the incomes of the current user. |
GET api/Incomes/{id} |
Gets a specific income. |
POST api/Incomes |
Post the income so it can be created in the system. |
PUT api/Incomes |
Puts the income to save the changes. |
DELETE api/Incomes/{id} |
Send a delete request for the given income. |
GET api/Incomes/Get |
Gets all the incomes of the current user. |
GET api/Incomes/Get?id={id} |
Gets a specific income. |
POST api/Incomes/Post |
Post the income so it can be created in the system. |
PUT api/Incomes/Put |
Puts the income to save the changes. |
DELETE api/Incomes/Delete?id={id} |
Send a delete request for the given income. |
API | Description |
POST api/Feedback |
Posts feedback so it can be mailed to the developpers. |
POST api/Feedback/Post |
Posts feedback so it can be mailed to the developpers. |
API | Description |
GET api/Settings |
Gets the settings of the current user. |
POST api/Settings |
Posts the settings to create them in the system. |
PUT api/Settings |
Puts the settings to save the changes. |
DELETE api/Settings/{id} |
Send a delete request for the given settings. |
GET api/Settings/Get |
Gets the settings of the current user. |
POST api/Settings/Post |
Posts the settings to create them in the system. |
PUT api/Settings/Put |
Puts the settings to save the changes. |
DELETE api/Settings/Delete?id={id} |
Send a delete request for the given settings. |
API | Description |
GET api/Types |
Gets all the types. |
GET api/Types/{id} |
Gets a specific type. |
GET api/Types?parent={parent} |
Gets all the children types of a given type. |
GET api/Types/Get |
Gets all the types. |
GET api/Types/Get?id={id} |
Gets a specific type. |
GET api/Types/GetTopElementsByCategory?category={category} |
Gets all the top or parent types of the given category. |
GET api/Types/GetAllElementsByCategory?category={category} |
Gets all the types of the given category. |
GET api/Types/Children?parent={parent} |
Gets all the children types of a given type. |
API | Description |
GET api/Cost |
Gets all the costs of the current user. |
GET api/Cost/{id} |
Gets a specific cost. |
POST api/Cost |
Posts the cost so it can be created in the system. |
PUT api/Cost |
Puts the cost so the changes can be saved. |
DELETE api/Cost/{id} |
Send a request to delete the given cost. |
GET api/Cost/Get |
Gets all the costs of the current user. |
GET api/Cost/Get?id={id} |
Gets a specific cost. |
POST api/Cost/Post |
Posts the cost so it can be created in the system. |
PUT api/Cost/Put |
Puts the cost so the changes can be saved. |
DELETE api/Cost/Delete?id={id} |
Send a request to delete the given cost. |
API | Description |
GET api/Evolution/{id}?category={category} |
Gets the evolutions of a specific item. |
POST api/Evolution |
Post the evolution so it can be created in the system. |
PUT api/Evolution |
Puts the evolution so the changes can be saved. |
DELETE api/Evolution/{id}?itemID={itemID}&category={category} |
Send a delete request for the given evolution. |
GET api/Evolution/Get?id={id}&category={category} |
Gets the evolutions of a specific item. |
POST api/Evolution/Post |
Post the evolution so it can be created in the system. |
PUT api/Evolution/Put |
Puts the evolution so the changes can be saved. |
DELETE api/Evolution/Delete?id={id}&itemID={itemID}&category={category} |
Send a delete request for the given evolution. |
API | Description |
GET api/Debt |
Gets all the debts of the current user. |
PUT api/Debt |
Puts a debt so the changes can be saved. |
DELETE api/Debt/{id} |
Send a delete request for the given debt. |
GET api/Debt/Get |
Gets all the debts of the current user. |
GET api/Debt/Get?id={id} |
Gets a specific debt. |
POST api/Debt/Post |
Posts a debt so it can be created in the system. |
PUT api/Debt/Put |
Puts a debt so the changes can be saved. |
DELETE api/Debt/Delete?id={id} |
Send a delete request for the given debt. |
GET api/Debt/GetDetails?id={id} |
Gets the details of a given debt. |
POST api/Debt/CalculateDebts |
Calculates the debt totals. |
API | Description |
GET api/Entities |
Requests all Entities for the Account sending the request |
GET api/Entities/{id} |
Returns a specific Entity |
POST api/Entities |
Creates a new Entity |
PUT api/Entities |
Updates an Entity |
DELETE api/Entities/{id} |
Deletes an Entity |
GET api/Entities/Get |
Requests all Entities for the Account sending the request |
GET api/Entities/Get?id={id} |
Returns a specific Entity |
POST api/Entities/Post |
Creates a new Entity |
PUT api/Entities/Put |
Updates an Entity |
DELETE api/Entities/Delete?id={id} |
Deletes an Entity |
API | Description |
GET api/Calculation?years={years}&grouping={grouping} |
No documentation available. |
GET api/Calculation?loanedAmount={loanedAmount}&yearlyIntrest={yearlyIntrest}&years={years} |
No documentation available. |
GET api/Calculation/GetPropertyFromDebts |
Gets all the property items generated by the debts. |
GET api/Calculation/GetCostFromDebts |
Get all the cost items generated by the debts. |
GET api/Calculation/GetPropertyTotal |
Gets the total value of all properties. |
GET api/Calculation/GetIncomeTotal |
Gets the total value of all the incomes. |
GET api/Calculation/GetCostTotal |
Gets the total value of all the costs. |
GET api/Calculation/GetDebtTotal |
Gets the total value of all the debts. |
GET api/Calculation/GetYearTotals?years={years}&grouping={grouping} |
No documentation available. |
GET api/Calculation/GetFixedTermMortgagePayments?loanedAmount={loanedAmount}&yearlyIntrest={yearlyIntrest}&years={years} |
No documentation available. |
API | Description |
GET api/Accounts |
Authenticates an Accont based on the given credentials. This step is ment for login purposes. Authentication must be done on each request. |
GET api/Accounts?email={email} |
Resets an Accounts password |
POST api/Accounts |
Creates an Account. |
PUT api/Accounts |
Updates an Account. Only the password can be Updated. |
GET api/Accounts/Authenticate |
Authenticates an Accont based on the given credentials. This step is ment for login purposes. Authentication must be done on each request. |
GET api/Accounts/ResetPassword?email={email} |
Resets an Accounts password |
POST api/Accounts/Post |
Creates an Account. |
PUT api/Accounts/Put |
Updates an Account. Only the password can be Updated. |